game about collecting rats toys with a very unstable claw machine and fighting with them

a - s -d to cycle through menus.

press any key on your keyboard to punch in a match

a - d to cycle through gift boxes, z to select and backspace to trash the gift. (also z to skip after opening the gift box) 

claw - use your mouse to aim and e to switch to grabbing mode and switch back to pick up gift box

every rat has a diffrent attack and defense.

the opponent is picked from your inventory of rats.

3-2-1-go sound effect : Asphalt 9
match song : RAHHHH by alt

made with turbowarp - a mod of scratch pls dont bully me 😭
made in 36 hours for the lame jam 32 🧡

theres is a bug where it plays collider by noisia , it was the song i was going to use but then changed my mind and juft left the file in then forgot to change the song that play when you die to rahh and uuuuhhym

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Tagsabout, and, claw, game, machines, rats

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